Nowadays, it's more important than ever for you to have a web presence. Having a website isn't all you have to do to get potential clients to reach out to you for help, though. Your online assets have to be optimized so that when search engines crawl your website, it ranks high in the search engines. How do you ensure that happens, you ask? One way that you can do so is by keyword targeting.
There are certain words or phrases that your prospective customers use to find you online. You should ensure that your web content, such as your copy, organically mentions the term or phrase that you're optimizing for in it if you want to generate traffic to your website. This involves a bit of strategizing.
Keep in mind that your competitors, e.g., other law firms, are using the same keywords that you are. With that in mind, you may wonder what determines which site ranks the highest in the search engines?
It comes down, in part, to the secondary keywords you optimize for when drafting your copy or attaching to images or video.
Each keyword has a search popularity rating, and while competitors may use similar primary search terms, their secondary ones may not align. You can make some inroads in gaining a competitive edge over another firm in addition to employing other search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.
Including relevant keywords in the meta tag and description, H1 header, introduction paragraph and main body is key to your website performing well in the search engines. Other strategies to employ are:
We specialize in using tried-and-true SEO strategies such as keyword targeting to get you more of the cases you want here at Prime Legal. Your work with us begins with a chat to learn more about your goals. We then perform a digital audit to see where things stand before generating a proposal for how we can help. Click the "Let's Started" button at the top of the screen to get your online presence moving in the right direction today.